An update on current projects The kitchen refurbishment and new patio leading out to the lawn have now been completed. Photos to follow.
Notice of Meeting of Rotherwick residents to amend the 1931 Trust Deed and to appoint new Trustees
When the new Rotherwick Village Hall opened in 1932 (a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Henry De Forest from New York, who were regular tenants of Tylney Hall for a couple of months each year) the Trust Deed which established the charity specified that the Rotherwick Rector and the two Churchwardens should be constituted as the Trustees. The Trust Deed gave them the power to delegate the management to a committee to be elected annually at an open meeting for all parishioners, providing that the Trustees, should they deem it advisable, could resume absolute control at any time! This is how it has remained for 81 years, albeit in more recent years with only two trustees since there has not been a Rotherwick Rector as such.
It is an unusual arrangement these days, when the Trustees are normally the Management Committee, and it is proposed that the Trust should be amended so that the Management Committee become the Trustees, and have full responsibility for the management of the charity and the management and upkeep of the property. The Management Committee are happy for this to take place. The Trustees have been in touch with ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and their local branch, Community Action Hampshire, and obtained a copy of their Model Constitution for a Village Hall, which is approved by the Charity Commission and which constitutes the Management Committee as the Trustees. It is proposed that the original Trust Deed be changed to incorporate the administrative provisions of the Model Constitution, and the procedure for this is for a Resolution to be proposed and passed at a meeting of Rotherwick residents.
Notice of the meeting is set out below. A full copy of the Resolution and the Trust Deed can be obtained from either of the Trustees in advance of the meeting or downloaded by using the links below. John Platt and Avis Hall will resign as trustees of the Charity on conclusion of the meeting.
NOTICE is given that a meeting will take place at Rotherwick Village Hall at 8pm on Wednesday 28th August 2013.
AT THE MEETING IT WILL BE PROPOSED THAT in accordance with the powers contained in Section 280 of the Charities Act 2011 and all other powers them enabling, the Trustees of the Rotherwick Village Hall Charity (‘’the Charity’’) resolve that the provisions of the Trust Deed of the Charity dated 19 December 1931 (‘’the Trust Deed’’) shall be amended. The resolution will then be put to the residents of Rotherwick attending the meeting for ratification.
A FULL COPY of the proposed resolution and the Trust Deed can be obtained from either of the Trustees in advance of the meeting or downloaded by using the links below.
THE MAIN PROVISIONS of the proposed resolution are that the Charity, its Property and its Trust Funds shall be administered by the Management Committee, that the members of the Management Committee shall be the charity trustees within the meaning of Section 177 of the Charities Act 2011, and that the administrative provisions contained in the Trust Deed are replaced by provisions based on the ACRE model trust deed .
IN ACCORDANCE WITH the proposed Resolution, the current members of the Management Committee (Ray Beech, Polly a’Court, John Cutler, Sue Cutler, Amanda Palmer, Sue Scrutton and Lisa Sharp) will become trustees of the Charity until the first annual general meeting to be held after the date of the meeting .
FURTHER INFORMATION can be obtained from either of the Trustees
John Platt Trustee, 01256 762243
Avis Hall Trustee, 01256 882895 1st August 2013